Entrepreneur...What is that?

1-a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, esp. a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.

2-an employer of productive labor; contractor.

3-A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.

4-One who creates a product on his own account; whoever undertakes on his own account an industrial enterprise in which workmen are employed.

1-to deal with or initiate as an entrepreneur.

2-to act as an entrepreneur.

Well, most of us don't really come in contact with this word unless we live in the Business building, however we run into people who do this all the time. Students invest large amounts of money, time and ability for skills. In a way, everyone is an entrepreneur.

In order to make a sustainable life in this dwindling economy, we need to understand those risks, we need innovation, we need to be edgy and most of all, we need to know how to do it all. I am excited that E-Week will facilitate that.

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