A shout out all you powerful WOMEN

While E-week is a lot about learning how to become a successful entrepreneur, it is also about learning skills that can help you no matter what your major is. It is a way to gain a more well-rounded knowledge of business, and business can be used in anything and everything you do.

When I think of a big, powerful business person I picture a woman carrying a brief case in a cute suit and Starbucks in her hand. The thing is, not many people think this! They think of a fat old man in a suit sitting in an office and yelling at people, am I right? There are more high powered businessmen right now than women. That is a hard fact and it needs to change!

Forbes did an article on the differences of men and women in a business setting. It was found that neither gender is better than the other in business; they just have different strengths and weaknesses. Both are equally valuable to a company and to the business world. Click here to read the full article.

So women of Utah State University, don’t be intimidated by the fact that this is a week all about business, embrace it. Learn more about how to become the powerful executive or entrepreneur you know you can be. E-week is open to all majors and especially all sexes. Let’s try to get more women there than those silly little boys.

1 comment:

Joshua Rosen said...

Amen Sista!


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